
Kranschienensysteme und Zubehör für den Bergbau

Schienensystem für den Bergbau

Der Bergbau weltweit erfordert Anlagen zur Bewegung von sehr großen Mengen an Schüttgut. Während Kohle hoch konzentriert vorkommt, müssen wertvolle Erze oder Minerale oft aufwändig aufbereitet werden. In diesen Prozessen kommen viele schienengebundene Geräte zum Einsatz. Hierzu gehören Kratzer und Absetzer für die Lagerstätten und Umschlagsanlagen zum/vom Waggon. Weiterhin gibt es große Be- und entladekrane für die weltweiten größten Schiffe. Viele Jahre schon stehem wir dieser Industrie zur Seite und sichern den zuverlässigen Betrieb mit unseren Gantrail Kranbahnen.

Crane Rail systems for Schienensystem für den Bergbau

Specialists in design and support for crane rail interfaces worldwide

From ship to shore, power stations to international sporting venues, we are able to apply our proven expertise and engineering capability to fulfil the most complex and challenging of project needs.

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Providing full installation solutions

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Over 50 years expertise

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Technically adept support

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Range of specialist support services

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Crane rails come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The designs have been developed to meet individual countries requirements with some being squat and wide and others are taller and similar in shape to railway rails but they are all more robust. There are now only a few ‘families’ of rails with similar shapes and a range of sizes. Most crane rails range in head width from 45mm to 150mm. A common feature is a thick web to carry the load to the base. There are also a range of steel metallurgies. At their most basic they are made from high carbon manganese steel but some are more highly alloyed. They are all difficult to weld. Gantrail will normal comment on any chosen rail for a project or propose the most suitable choices.


It is an advantage if a rail can rotate a small amount around an axis along its length. This allows the rail to take up a position that matches the wheel and as a result reduces the compressive stresses in the tread of the wheel and the head of the rail. Gantrail supply steel reinforced crane rail pads that allow this. They have been proven in thousands of applications for over 50 years. They also eliminate the metal to metal contact and reduce corrosion between the rail and its support.


It is not practical to fasten crane rails rigidly to the support on which they are mounted. Rails need to be adjusted to the correct position and to be able to move small amounts along the support. They also need to be able to rotate about an axis along their length. But they should be fixed rigidly from significant sideways movement. Gantrail have developed a range of adjustable crane rail fixing clips for all sizes of rail. These can be fastened by means of bolting or by welding to a steel surface. Some in the range will resist the highest expected loads but other are compact and light and are for smaller applications.


Most sole plates look like simple plates of steel with many holes. But the challenge for the track system designer is to combine the requirements of the concrete foundations with its reinforcement and expansion joints with the needs of the rail system. Hole positioning is most important. There may be a need for rail fixed points and earthing. There is also a need for high accuracy sometimes combined with corrosion protection. Bolts for fixing sole plates need to be made such that they will not rotate on being tightened. Gantrail also supply more sophisticated system which allow for releveling a rail after installation.


The upper surface of poured concrete it very weak and will not support the loads imposed by a steel crane wheel. The surface needs to be cleared of soft material before the gap between the structural concrete and the steel sole filed with high strength grout. Gantrail supply two types of grout for the majority of applications. Some cases require the strength of an epoxy based system whereas others can accept special cement bases grouts. Smaller qualities of fast curing polyester grouts are used to secure bolts in premade holes in concrete.


Wir arbeiten kontinuierlich an den verschiedensten Projekten weltweit, welche alle spezielle Anforderungen, Herausforderungen und Innovationen mit sich bringen.

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