Crane Buffers
It is essential that the use and high capital cost of a crane is protected from damage due to impact with other cranes or track end stops. Good quality buffers are the preferred solution. Gantrail offers hydraulic crane buffers of the highest quality. During recent years production cranes and automated warehousing systems have increased in size and speed.
The hydraulic heavy-duty shock absorber was developed to transform the impact into heat and to slow down the system in a controlled manner by minimising the end forces.
Compared to standard devices such as springs and rubber buffers, the shock absorber is the most cost effective and reliable method for reducing the energy transmitted during an impact.
A large range of more than 100 standard heavy duty absorbers with different capacities and stroke lengths have been developed to meet the increasing demands of our customers.
Due to our CNC – based production we have also established a strong reputation for providing a quick and flexible response to modifications and specials.